
What You Should Know About Temporary Orders in California Divorce Cases
Temporary orders are common in California divorces, but they’re often misunderstood. These short-term orders play a pivotal role in outlining the rights and responsibilities of

Should You Wait for January to File for Divorce?
Divorce is a significant decision that impacts various aspects of life. For those contemplating the end of their marriage in California, timing can play a

Does Social Media Affect Divorce Proceedings?
In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. We use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to share

Nesting: Is It Right for Your Family Post-Divorce?
As parents increasingly put their children first in divorce, a number of new child custody arrangements have arisen. One interesting possibility is “nesting,” in which

Five Tips for Preparing for Divorce Over the Holidays
It’s hard to escape the message that the holiday season is about family and togetherness. While that’s a noble sentiment, it can be painful to

How to Handle a Divorce as Same-Sex Parents
Same-sex marriage has become commonplace, but it is important to remember how short its history really is. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage