Strong, Caring Advocates Helping You End Domestic Violence
Domestic violence can take many forms. Some instances are clearly abusive, while others can be subtler. However, they all take a toll that can make leaving an abusive relationship difficult without help.
Emotional abuse can last years, slowly destroying a person’s sense of peace or personal property. Verbal abuse or harassment can exist when one person continually mocks or demeans another. These are both a far cry from a full-on fistfight, but all abusive behaviors can fall under the heading of “domestic violence” (DV) when they happen at home.
If you are suffering from any kind of abuse, you should first ensure the safety of yourself and your children. Once you are out of immediate danger, you should work with a domestic violence attorney to explore your options for leaving and starting a new, safer life. Learn more about how to get help by reaching out to the Palo Alto Law Offices of Diane J.N. Morin, Inc.
Temporary Restraining Orders (TROs) and Restraining Orders
A temporary restraining order can be issued by a judge upon request if you can prove you are suffering from domestic violence. When you apply for a restraining order, temporary or not, come prepared to prove your case.
If you need your partner to leave the premises and not approach you at home, at work, or by your car, a TRO is a safe option. Depending on the circumstances of your situation, you might also consider requesting that the judge issue a TRO that covers any money transfers or direct communication.
Temporary restraining orders are usually issued for the time before your next court date, when your case will be revisited. Meanwhile, permanent restraining orders can remain in effect indefinitely. As a domestic violence lawyer with years of experience, Diane Morin can help you determine which order you need and submit your application for a California TRO.
Child Abuse
Suppose you discover that your spouse or another family member has been causing your children harm over a long period of time or verbally harassing your children. In that case, you are responsible for removing your kids from the situation and preventing further harm.
Child abuse is a specific form of domestic violence. California family law courts take accusations of child abuse very seriously because minors do not have the legal standing to leave abusive situations as adults do. If you need to protect your children from harm, California abuse lawyer Diane Morin can help.
Spousal Abuse
When two people marry, they never expect to split up. Nor do they expect to be on the receiving end of spousal abuse. Over time, however, relationships can change, and one person can eventually become entirely different and abusive. If you are suffering from spousal abuse or even suspect you are, please take steps to make sure your safety is guaranteed.
One you trust that you are safe, you should consider speaking with a spousal abuse attorney like Diane Morin. She can help you better understand your options for safely divorcing your spouse and moving on with your life.
Contact Our California Domestic Violence Law Firm
DV experts recommend calling 911 or staying with family or friends if you believe you or your children are in immediate danger. Once you are in a safe situation, you can take the next step to build a new, safer life free from abuse. You may begin by reaching out to our lawyer for abused spouses and survivors of domestic violence by contacting us online or calling 650-473-0822.