How do you co-parent your children?

How do you co-parent your children?

When you and your spouse divorce in California, you may sometimes be ready to part ways permanently. If you have children, however, it is important for you to find a way to effectively co-parent your children.

When you and your spouse realize you will need to co-parent your children, it is a good idea to sit down and make a parenting plan. According to, this plan should include information about how you will discipline your children and keep their schedules consistent. It is also a good idea to discuss which expenses you will share and how you will make decisions about the children’s education and health.

One way to ensure successful co-parenting is to remain focused on your children. Even when you are frustrated with your ex-spouse, it is a good idea to make sure you do not say negative things about the children’s other parent. Additionally, instead of relaying messages through your kids, you should generally speak directly to your ex-spouse. It is important to remember that your children should have a healthy relationship with both of their parents and this means you should not put them in situation where they feel they need to choose between you and their other parent.

It is important to remember that co-parenting is typically easier when both you and your ex-spouse are respectful. Sometimes you may need to make compromises. It is a good idea for you to listen so you understand your ex-spouse’s point of view. Sometimes you may find it helpful to speak regularly so you are both on the same page. In some situations, it may be difficult for you and your ex-spouse to work together peacefully. When this is the case, it is a good idea to work with a mediator who can help make sure you both put the children’s needs first.

This information is intended to educate. It should not be used in place of legal advice.
